Wednesday, December 31, 2008

cubaan pertama

hi semua. saye ingin mencuba sesuatu yang baru hari ini, iaitu, membelog dalam bahasa melayu. (ok, ayat pertama yang sungguh membosankan) hahaha, rase pelik? teruskan rasa pelik anda, inilah bahagian yang menyeronokkan :)

hey, saye nak bercerita ni, dengar lah ok? mase saye kecik dulu saye ni gempal. tapi comel. agak popular jugak lah mase tadika. selalu dipilih target jadi anak ayam mase main kejar-kejar, 99.9% mangsa kejar. adoi. mentah2 lah badan besar mudah jadi target. walaupun badan besar tapi kena buli gak, beg kena selodeh, ape lagi, barang2 masuk bakul sampah cam scene mitsui latih 3 pointer shot dalam slam dunk. haaa! ape lah budak kecik yang naif...tipu lah! kecik2 dah pandai buli orang! lepas tu kan, saye pun cuba beritahu cikgu pasal barang2 saye kena buang, haaa! cuba teka ape cikgu tu buat? dia tampar saye -.- KENAPE?? sebab budak yg kaco saye tuh saiznye jauh lebih kecik drpd saye lepas tu buat lagi muke innocent, adoi2 mmg saye hands down kalah lah. puas2 gak saye yang kena. zaman kanak2 yang menyedihkan. *hembus nafas*

cerita ni tak de pengajarannya, maklum lah kan ade je bebudak yang bersikap 'punggung jahat' kat setiap sekolah. sedih kan? nangis lah.

awak nak tahu tak ape jadi ngan budak yg selongkar beg saye lepas tu? hehe. kite org belajar kat sekolah yang same sampai sekolah menengah. time kat sekolah tu turn saye pulak buli dier.. (ketawa jahat) haaa! tak de lah saye ni kan baik, tak buli orang :P ye la tuh. betul, saye jadi cikgu kimia dier lagi untuk preeeeee. lagi satu, dier memang cute dan lawa, muke ade iras2 org putih. tak de kaitan ngan saye pun, saje nak beritahu. eheheh.

cakap pasal sekolah, saye ade seorang lagi kawan ni. dier ni suke main benda2 yang pelik cam berudu lah, ulat lah, chlorophil lah ape tah lagi. namenye LYL. memang kwn baik saye sebab same taste. gitu lah saye. hey awak semua, saye bohong lah. tak main benda semua tu kecuali chlorophil.. kamu nak tahu ape kite org buat?

pada satu hari yang cerah, kite org jalan2 kat taman sekolah, main petik bunga dan daun..

tidaaaaaaaaaaak! jangan salah sangka. kite bukan perosak, cume petik satu dua je. balik kelas mase matematik, LYL potong daun jadi cebisan microkecik dan masukkan ke dalam botol gamnye. gune pensel untuk kacaukan rata. hasilnye, gam berwarna hijau gelap, GAM CHLOROPHIL yang pertama! gitu bangga wei.

mase kite syok2 mengamati gam tersebut, cikgu matematik mendekati meja kite org (yer, kalau belum tahu, kite ni desk partner lor) lepas tuh amik botol gam dan tanya, 'what is this?'

'leaf based glue', jawab saye.

mukenye semacam, dahi kerut cermin mata jatuh aras hidung cam nenek tua yang rabun. ape? hemsem pe. adoi. cakap pasal cikgu ni kan, namenye abu kassim. guru matematik. encik ni suke tarik tali bra pelajar. yer, adakah awak teperanjat? teruskan. dier suke panggil pelajar terutamanye yang cute2 si honey, darling, sayang ape la. LYL jadi darling dan saye jadi honey kerana kite berdua student yang 'outstanding'. nakal. *hembus nafas* maklum lah kan, sekolah perempuan, biasalah perkara2 seperti ini berlaku. kena kaco ngan cikgu laki. betul tak?
tapi, dah besar perkara2 seperti ini jugak berlaku! ape itu neraka?? ape2pun, encik abu kassim ni tidak dinafikan guru yang baik, kalau lah boleh dikikiskan sifatnye yg pervert ..

ok lah semua, kalau nak cerita lagi panjang giler lah. tapi kan, membelog dalam bahasa ni memang besh, kelakar. saye rekomen awak semua cube lah. itu saje. bye!

p/s : blogging in malay gives a whole new dimension to the art of sarcasm. seriously :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

the first harbingers of Christmas arrive in october,
with jarring sales and decorations at the mall.
by december, Christmas true heralds are out,
twinkling lights lining streets,
smell of cookies wafting through the house,
visits from friends and relative,

and not forgetting mr. santa.
and children waiting in anticipation of Christmas morning, ready to rip the wrappers.

christmas trees. with tinsel, green trimmings and multi-coloured electric lights. wah wah, so pretty aren't they?

but, is that what Christmas is all about?

time for a super brief intro to Christmas
do you know, Christmas originates form the Old English root 'Christes maesse' or Christ's Mass?
do you know, Christmas's gift-giving tradition has its roots in the Three Kings' offerings to Jesus?
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. (well, actually the real date is not really 25/12 but let's not go into that, it is pretty elaborated)
yesh, it's the birthday of Christ.
but not many people are aware of that since the focus of Christmas today have been commercialised.
It has become a secular celebration rather than it being celebrated for the real purpose.
(ehhh, i don't mean to critise. -.- just feel that Christmas should be appreciated in a better way by people who recognise the value of it.)
end of a super brief intro to Christmas

i want to tell you a sad story.
it was this morning.
i woke up late and missed morning service. T.T
i don't know how to scold myself anymore.
end of sad story.


christmas eve at ruth's house

yellow pumps :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My parting gift, wahaha, before going to KL.

First Name - lin keong.
Nickname – linkeong, soh, lk, siu keong, boy, oi, ei, wei, soh lin.
What do people normally mistake your name as – min keong, ling keong, huh again?, omg your name is so hard
Birthday – 27/08/1988.
Birthplace – Malacca, Malaysia.
Time of Birth – have to check ehehehe
Single or taken – Single. (Taken by myself wahahaa)
Zodiac sign – Virgo.

[Your Appearance]
How tall are you – shouldnt it be how short? I am 15X CM
Wish you were taller – well if I grow taller then let it be, if not it doesnt matter, as long as I am happy.
Eye color – black?
Eye color you want - amber red.
Natural Hair color – black
Current Hair color – black.
Short or long hair – medium.
Ever dye your hair a bizarre coluor - there isnt any bizarre colour.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair – shaved bald
Glasses or contacts – glasses.
Do you wear make-up – are you kidding me?
Ever had hair extensions – whats that.
Paint your nails – maybe.

[In the opposite gender]
What color eyes – any.
What color hair – any as long not white.
Shy or Outgoing – a mixture of both.
Looks or personality – personality.
Sexy or Cute – a mixture of both.
Serious or Fun – both.
Older or Younger than you – doesn't matter as long as we are compatible with each other.
A turn on – gentle, feminine
A turn off – talk loudly, profanity, control freak

[This or that]
Flowers or Chocolates – I'll eat both XD
Pepsi or Coke – is there a difference?
Rap or Rock – depends on mood.
Relationship or One night stand – i havent had any so I cant answer.
School or Work – both.
Love or Money – both.
Movies or Music - both.
Country or City – country.
Sunny or Rainy days – both, sunny days for going out, rainy days for a good sleep XD.
Friends or Family – both.

[Have you ever]
Lied – yes.
Stole something - yes.
Smoked – never.
Hurt someone close to you – yes.
Broke someone’s heart – maybe? How would I know if they dont tell me anything?
Had your heart broken – yes countless times XD but I will survive
Wondered what was wrong with you – not really, instead i wonder whats wrong with the world
Wish you were a prince/princess – no i like freedom
Liked someone who was taken – ya but lets not go there
Shaved your head – ya
Been in love – I think its a yes
Used chopsticks – well, I am chinese, of course.
Sang in the mirror to yourself – and the mirror broke

Flower – any edible ones XD XD.
Candy – toffee
Song – too much to list.
Scent – au naturale smell of cow dung, just joking, I like the smell of fresh air
Color – not sure.
Movie – a walk to remember.
Singer - chen lei XD.
Word – lol.
Junk food – potato chips.
Website –
Location - my own room.
Animal – dog.
Ever cried over someone – yes.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself – yes.
Do you think you’re attractive – i think so. i always attract guys and flies lol.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose – the dwarf and the seven snow whites XD if it exists
Do you play any sports – is dota a sport?.


This was rushed through so the answers seem short

Saturday, December 20, 2008

just for fun.

First Name - yoke poh.
Nickname – poyoh, yp, jess, yokey poh, jessica, hong.
What do people normally mistake your name as – jessie, poh yoke.. *sigh*
Birthday – 30/08/1988.
Birthplace – Malaysia.
Time of Birth – 6.45 a.m.
Single or taken – Single.
Zodiac sign – Virgo.

[Your Appearance]
How tall are you – ...
Wish you were taller – honestly, that it wouldn't be so obvious if i grow horizontally.
Eye color – dark brown.
Eye color you want - greenish grey.
Natural Hair color – blonde hahaha. :P
Current Hair color – black.
Short or long hair – medium.
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - black is bizarre to me.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair – i had my fringe cut flat and straight like a china doll. T.T very dramatic for me ok!
Glasses or contacts – glasses.
Do you wear make-up – blusher.
Ever had hair extensions – nope.
Paint your nails – my fav past time.

[In the opposite gender]
What color eyes – green.
What color hair – black/dark brown.
Shy or Outgoing – a mixture of both.
Looks or personality – personality.
Sexy or Cute – a mixture of both.
Serious or Fun – this is getting boring.
Older or Younger than you – doesn't matter as long as he is mature enough to charm me.
A turn on – good sense of humour, modesty, facial hair :P
A turn off – overconfidence, profanity, jealousy

[This or that]
Flowers or Chocolates – flowers :)
Pepsi or Coke – milo. ahaks.
Rap or Rock – rock.
Relationship or One night stand – countless nightstand(s) with my husband.
School or Work – both.
Love or Money – love.
Movies or Music - movies and music.
Country or City – country.
Sunny or Rainy days – sunny. i love the sunshine.
Friends or Family – friends and family.

[Have you ever]
Lied – nope. eh, i just did.
Stole something - yesh. bad, bad.
Smoked – never.
Hurt someone close to you – yes.
Broke someone’s heart – i do not know.
Had your heart broken – yesh. Was fragile at one point of my life.
Wondered what was wrong with you – yesh. many times. but why?
Wish you were a prince/princess – nope, what about alice in wonderland?
Liked someone who was taken – nope. but what about brad pitt? *sobs*
Shaved your head – i have always wanted to do that but .. i care too much.
Been in love – love, yesh. true love? nope.
Used chopsticks – yesh. huhu. what a silly question.
Sang in the mirror to yourself – secret.

Flower – classic red rose.
Candy – coffee.
Song – hillsongs.
Scent – the smell of my bedsheet right after washing.
Color – i cannot answer this question because i have too many.
Movie – 10 things i hate about you.
Singer - norah jones.
Word – sleep.
Junk food – potato chips.
Website –
Location - brother's room.
Animal – fish.
Ever cried over someone – yesh.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself – yesh.
Do you think you’re attractive – i would like to think so. LOL.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose – i only crave the happily ever after part.
Do you play any sports – sometimes.


love crush and everything in between (lin keong)

this may be a very controversial topic, tread with caution.

you may ask, why is this guy writing about this topic? well, the state of loneliness that i am feeling gave me the notion to start writing this.

Love, the ever abused word to justify every illogical act or unexplainable act.

Whom do you love? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

When you keep thinking of that person when the person is not with you, is that love?

When you miss him/her, when you feel what he/she feels, when you feel jealous but happy at the same time when she is enjoying his/her time with someone else. (
Teardrops on my guitar - Taylor Swift)

Whats all this mixed feeling that you are feeling?

Do you feel the emptiness of being alone? (Without You - Mariah Carey)

What is the joy of being loved?

You get lost for words/tongue tied thinking of what conversation to start when you see him/her.

You try to prolong the conversation you started, no matter what you do, it always end up short.

You feel like killing yourself when you fail to hold the conversation.

Somehow looking into her/his eyes, seeing her smile and hearing her/his voice will give you a reason to live. (When I see you smile - bad english)

You feel everything she does is wonderful and no matter how she dresses or ages she is eternally beautiful

You try to change yourself to be his/her ideal (ming tian de xing fu - ou de yang)

How about when you keep checking your phone for sms/missed calls? Worrying when the message is replied late even by 1-2 seconds. Waiting anxiously for his/her reply?

Why do seconds feel like years? Why do you expect their call?

You cant wait to see them (When will I see you again - three degrees)

You always want to be with them /be there for them (I'll Be There - Jackson 5 , Because you loved me - celine dion)

You can picture your future with him/her together, you know you really want to be with him/her

What is a crush? Do you have a crush on anyone?

Are you secretly in love? Saying one thing but doing another thing

The ones who are shy, watching from afar the actions of their beloved wishing them happiness from within but never taking any steps to express their love openly (
living next door to alice - smokie)

How do you express your love?
Is it doing everything to make the person you love happy without expecting any return?

Is it wrong to love someone who doesn’t love you? What do you do if someone you love has already got somebody else? (Sui Yean - Chen Lei)

Someone cares for you, is that love?

What does love means to you? (I wanna know what love is - foreigner)
Is love just another feeling like sadness or happiness? (
the darkness - love is only a feeling)

Does it means being with the person you love? Or wishing for the person you love to be happy? (Ni men yao kuai le - sam li)

Does it mean keeping him/her all to yourself? Restricting their freedom? At the same time you feel you are not good enough for her.

What does "like" means? Is it any different from love?

What makes you fall for him or her? What do you see in him or her? Will you still be loving her/him after she/he lose the thing that makes you fall for him/her? (I will always love you - Whitney Houston)

Why are you smiling silly when you think of him/her?

You want him/her to be there to look at you when you do anything, you want to do your best and show your best when he/she is with you. (Cant fight this feeling anymore - Reo Speedwagon)

It pains you to scold him/her but you do it because its the best for him/her

Are you stuck in a love-hate situation? You can never be sure of your own feelings you just hate them when they do something but when they are not there you start to miss what they always do that make you hate them.

How do you differentiate a friend from a partner?
Do you need just a friend or more than that? If you just want to talk, you just need friends (the corrs - all the love in the world).

Partners doesn’t need to communicate verbally, they can read each other’s mind through intuition just by looking at them smile or frown. Isn't that true?

You are very comfortable when you are with him or her, is that love?

Do you just want a friend or a partner? Some people gets too close to each other that they are afraid to show their feelings, distancing themselves as best friends.

There is fear of losing them if they ever break up. But what about losing them when they end up with somebody else?

People who are alike will not be together, we are complements of each other so everyone is different

Will you lose someone you love after a confession?

Is there such thing as forever? What are the limits of forever? (Tong Hua – Guang Liang)

The secret recipe to forever. Those who have been hurt in a relationship before may tell you there is no such thing as forever, is it fair to blame the perpetrator alone? Are the victims really blameless?

Can you / do you trust the one you love? Do you keep secrets?

Can a couple just have peace without any quarrel? Or just have neverending quarrels without any peace?
Too much of anything is bad, everything in life is hanging on a fine balance.

Human, are the only beings that are crazy about love. Being the most selfish at times and the most selfless at times. Its just amazing what the word "love" can do to people.

Can there be love between the same sex? Is love all about sex?

Is there such thing as too young to love?

Is religion a barrier? Can a christian not fall for a non-believer?

What becomes of the broken hearted (song same titled -Paul Young / Westlife)? Why does it hurt? (Knife- Rock Well)

Do you care for his/her past?

Is it as easy just like in the movies?

How long will you stay loyal?

What happens when you fall for more than 1 person? (
Torn between two lovers - mary macgregor)

Are you willing to sacrifice everything for the person you love? (Because I am a girl - kiss, watch the MV)

This post may cause some confusion as the writer itself is very confused at the moment of writing. Its an attempt to interpret a very profound subject, the interpretation has been helped through songs found in the bracket. These were all the things that have been running through my mind for a long time

there are too many points to ponder.

signing off......... *tearing off* the author has fallen into full-blown emo mode, after this post the author may not write for sometime

ps: writing this in a very hungry mode, may be the first Malaysian to die of starvation

Friday, December 19, 2008

discrimination at its best (lin keong)

Hey it’s me again. I am going to blog about the recent pc fair at KLCC.

I went there on Friday to scout the prices and on Sunday to buy what I want all alone (so sad! nobody wants to go with me)

Without much thought, I just wore the clothes I always wear to sleep and a pair of trusty slippers.

Dressed up like that and armed with RM2000 in the pocket (ehehe why dress like rich man but pocket empty), I headed into the pc fair at klcc, I know people must be looking at me because of the "plain"ness of my dressing.

With a big leapt I stepped into the pc fair hall, wow its busy like the wet market, promoters shouting for last day offers.

Innocent me just kept on strolling. Then I notice something, Lo and Behold, the discrimination. I walked through the booths, nobody bothered to serve me and no one even bothered to pass me the brochures.

T.T tsk tsk. Sad. Most of the booth didnt even bother when I stood in front of it. To name a few: Samsung, Manli, Sony,

Still there were some companies which were good and kind to a poor chap like me. The beautiful ladies at the Dell booth were kind enough to pass me brochures which I declined politely (at least they offered).

Then there was this auntie at the Konica Minolta booth who explained in great length and detail about the laser printer which eventually convinced me to buy it instead of getting an inkjet printer. Spent RM700 here.

After getting the printer, the problem comes (omg why keep on getting new problems *dizzy*). The thing weighs roughly 25KGs and my car is parked some few hundred (maybe few KMs) away (at the Bangunan Getah Asli). I had to cross 6 lanes of fast traffic and another 4 lanes of fast traffic. Almost got hit by some cars and there were puddles of water everywhere. Worst part is my slippers fell off when I was crossing. Somehow I survived to tell the story.

At the car another problem crops up, my remote just died on me I can't open the car door (OH NOOOOS!). Some knocking and shaking it and it was working again after 10 minutes (sweating profusely). The printer was too big to fit the boot, grrr, had to fit it at the back passenger seat.

Next I went in again (its already 8.20) to get the other things that I wanted, a camera. Asked around a few booths was aiming for olympus p60 but sadly no longer in production, asked for fujifilm s1000 but too little functions. Last resort went to test the Canon Ixus and the Powershot A590, decided to get the A590 instead (cheap and multitude of functions). Spent RM600 and here pops up a new problem, had to claim the free gift from the canon redemption counter.
Where is that? Clueless and running out of time, luckily I found it. The queue was so long. Almost died from standing (XD exagerration OK?).

Before I left KLCC I decided to get some doughnuts at dunkin doughnuts. Weird thing happened here, the cashier said miss. I looked at him for awhile and then he corrected himself (oops sorry sir). I think this is the n-th time I have been called miss or wrongly identified (I think most people are blind) will tell you more on future post.

Huuuu, what a tired day it is and I havent even eaten dinner yet. Rushed back to cheras ate dinner around 10pm.

Lesson to be learned for sales promoter: Don't judge a book by its cover, people can dress in old rags but they may have 6-7 digits in their savings account (not me XD). See those booth that didn't bother about me did not get any sales from me, why serve people who dress rich but do not buy anything from you?

PS: Pardon my arrogance but it is the true account of what happened. The truth hurts huhu...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Nice post, guest. :D Still got room for improvement on the ss part though. nyehehehe. Sorry for the long hiatus. Sloth had me captured and refused to let go of me. Wicked sick. LOL. What's the date today? 18/12/2008. Okay, lets do a bit of flash back shall we..

Class trip to Sunway Lagoon. Supposed to be a CLASS trip but only eight of us turned up. winnieh, kenneteh, linkeong, pohpoh, michelle, ganesh (sexy shorts), steven, and moi. It was a rainy day and we practically played under the rain. Hehe. The tickets were priced at RM60 per se for three parks (dry park+wet park+scream park) but francine got us a 25% discount for each and everyone of us. Since francine was there with her family the day before so she skipped but she purposely came all the way just to get cheaper tickets for us. How sweet of her! :D Haha. I took a ride on the machine that turns 360 degrees, what was it called again.., but yeah anyways, hehe.. it wasn't as scary as i thought. That was actually my second attempt. The last time i went on it i had some serious headache after the ride, pening sial. And of course, the BEACH! Not too bad for a man-made one, the only down point was the water smelled and looked more like swimming pool rather than the real sea salt water. The scream park was nonsense but there was a stint of coolness to it, the 'ghosts' were lame but the light effects, kinda cool. Winnieh the brave girl led us faithfully through the alley of 'darkness' while the guys, panicked. ahaks. Me ok aje except in the beginning.. i broke the ice by screaming the FIRST scream. zzzz.
All in all, not too bad for a class?/group trip. Rating 7/10, would have been better if there were more people and if kengkeng, jessie, francine,..(and the list goes on) were there with us. Hehe. Pictures by winnieh.

No captions for the pictures. Don't ask me why. (grrrrrrrrrrrr)

to be continued.. :)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello world!

Hi there, I am a new writer for this blog.

Lets start introducing myself by a very brief interview....

Who are you?
Oh, thats a hard question but I'll answer it anyway. I am Lin Keong, jess' coursemate at UCSI

Tell us more about yourself.
Actually theres nothing much to tell, just that I am from Taiping, Perak.
Loves practical stuffs and hates it when people starts crying.
A proud Virgo.
Anything else you should be able to find out through my writing (ehem! blogging) style.
Before I forgot I also went to a La Salle school.

Have you blogged before?
Yeah I've blogged before but that was ages ago

Can we see your previous blog?
Uh, no can do, its gone anyway. Let bygones be bygones. I am starting afresh here

Why are you blogging here?
Well, because she chose me to be a guest blogger here and I am too free.

Why did she choose you?
I wonder, maybe we share a "sisterly" feeling?

How do you find jess's blog?
Aha, actually I find her blog quite confusing because of her style of writing, but maybe that's her way of making herself more mysterious?

Anything you wish to say to people out there?
Yes I want to thank my mum my dad my ..... blah blah.. OK lame joke, I just want to say don't get jealous ya because I am blogging here

BTW this was supposed to be posted up long ago but due to me not having internet connection at my new house it couldn't be helped.Pardon me for my SS-ness and my language. Hope I don't get shot by anyone.

PS: My last words if I get shot, "hey, its not my fault, why shoot me? OH NOOO I am bleedingggg warghh"*drops dead*

huhu signing off. peace...

Monday, December 15, 2008


to be continued..
The device started working again after a long delay, a sudden awakening.

An animated one it is.

The result was an odd one, there were rush of thrill and joy, but displeasure at the same time, a sense of reflection arised. Oh.