Monday, May 25, 2009

rain down on me!

err. sorry about the previous post, i was having pms. :D
it's amusing how i amuse myself sometimes. ha ha ha!

i've nothing in mind while writing this except.. to complain about the hot weather. wahaha. seriously, it's getting ridiculously hotter and hotterr and hotterrrr each day. and girl, have i been sweating like a pig.

but pigs don't sweat like human, do they? and if they do, how will they look like.? does a dog sweat.? *types does a dog sweat? in google search box* haha. i mean like can you actually see the sweat on their fur? sweaty fur? O.O

so, it's really hot in here, practically everywhere where i have been to. i am roasted alive by the heat, killing me hotly.. LOL. it's so hot that i can say goodbye to my epilator! ha ha ha. -.-

the holidays have started and so far so good i would say eventhough not very happening but i am not complaining b-e-cause i enjoy bumming at homeeeeee yee-haa! :)

the only downside is i have some homework to do. yes, that's right! but i am not complaining ok. and the self goes, right.. -.-

the only thing i am complaining about is the weather.. T_T
sorry to complain yet not doing anything to save the earth from global warming.
fine,.. i will use towel instead of tissue.. to wipe wipe my tears.. sweat i mean..


jcdagreat said...

dear dear...ahaha,... dog does sweat la... haha. from saliva evaporation... u noe it well too...haha.but really wonder how pig sweat. it's seriously hot...this enhance worst global warming... u might need to carry a fan whereever you go

.:jessyp:. said...

elo joanne hehe!
i mean sweating on their bodies, besides saliva evaporation..hehehe