Saturday, April 4, 2009

intermitten flu.

it begun with a mild flu in seremban, but cleared off upon returning to kl. such a weak bug. muahhahahaha. my immune prevailed. muaaahahahaha. or so i thought.
noooooo, i was wrong T.T
i was hit by the flu bug again after 24hrs (it's not the same bug don't be foolish, it's already mutated!), sneezing and disposing of soaked tissues like nobody's business. a virus attack i am sure. and later that night, i dreamt myself to conciousness and woke up feeling ever dry with a pain in my throat. T.T
i started sneezing again, and woke my roomie up T.T
twas bad. my nasal discharge was unstoppable. the flu sort of subsided the next morning, a tuesday morning. my immune prevailed once again. muaahhhahahahahahahahahaha.

but noooo. it came again in the afternoon, missing me. lol. spent the whole afternoon on bed but not asleep. sicked. with a changed voice.. huskily flu-ed lol.
by wednesday morning, i woke up feeling groggy and tired but the flu seemed to be gone. i went and took a shower. HA, big mistake. lol. sneezed and had runny nose again. went to practise singing for seniors farewell, with a flu voice :D my nose stopped running when i was singing.

what followed was a series of headaches and stomach ache, with ample of sleep, woke up feeling sleepier than ever, so more sleep. lol.
i had diarrheoa few hours ago, and went to bed. so here i am, woke up 4 hrs later, refreshed and truly prevailed this time, decided to give the super bug a recognition. good job. hehe.

i must be crazy to say this but i am actually really glad that i fell sick. cause it happened now instead of exam period. cause it suckadee not to be able to study when you want to. T.T
and now that i have recovered and all well, happily knowing that my immune has reached another level in its league of battle, i urge all to take good care of yourself and health, do stay healthy!

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