Tuesday, May 5, 2009

kayunya budak nie (lin keong)

Has anybody called you blur or kayu? If yes beat this! Lol this happened this morning at 3.45am

Police: Kenapa tak berhenti lampu merah?
Police: Mana IC dan lesen?
LK: *gives him MyKad*
Police: Mana lesen?
LK: dalam MyKad
Police: Ye ke? Kalau nanti saya check tak dapat saya saman satu lagi tak bawak lesen memandu
Police: You kerja apa?
LK : Pelajar
Police: Tinggal kat mana?
LK: Cheras
Police: Belajar apa?
LK: Perubatan
Police: Nak jadi doctor ke?
LK : Ya
Police: Doctor apa?
LK : Biasa je
Police: Tak belajar gigi ke mata ke?
Police: Biasanya 5 tahun kan?
LK : Ya
Police: Kursus lain semua 3 tahun kan?
LK : Ya
Police: Apasal MyKad you tak boleh baca?
Police: You tengok "Ralat" la
LK: Tak tau, sudah tukar 2 kali
Police: Sebab you simpan dalam dompet pastu letak plastik nanti ada wap air la, rosaklah. You doktor you tau kan?
LK : O
Police : Bapa you kerja ape?
LK: Engineer
Police: Banyak duit tu
LK : O
Police: Kesian la bapak you kena bayar makan, lagi sekarang saman
LK : O
Police: You nak tempoh bayaran berapa lama? 1 bulan?

He *sighs*

Another police gets down from the car

Police 2: *Takes out something to write* Mana lesen?
Police 1: tak boleh baca. Ralat.
Police 2: Lesen P ?
Police 2: Huh?
LK : Penuh

Seems like copying something down from my IC and Zi Xuan IC
At the end he looks at me and zi xuan for awhile, then enters the car
then we 2 look at each other macam blur
tak tau nak buat ape
then the police signal
then i go and ask, kenapa?

Police 2: jalan la , apasal tak jalan, you student ma
LK : O

According to Zi Xuan, the policeman wanted to mintak rasuah actually tapi too bad the met Mr Kayu this morning. I dont understand any hints or whatever signal that anyone is trying to give me, so if anyone wanted anything they should ask directly lol.

Now where is that 2 girls from form 6 that can testify my kayuness LOL

I hope that policeman doesnt shoot himself

On a side note: The police waja is in quite bad shape, I can hear the tappet noise from a distance.


.:jessyp:. said...

so how, u ada bayar ke? wahahaha
budak berani tul langgar lampu merah adesss

linkeong said...

Bayar ape? Tak kena saman pun
Lol lampu merah tu memang rosak la, feel free to call me when you ever see that light turn green

foodislove said...

lol...... kayu betollah budak nie.... but that kayuness save u from bring santa claus giving out duit kopi.lol.

kengkeng said...

*clapping my hands*
the polices were considered geng enough they dint vomit blood talking to u

Does it matter? said...

Dude you made me laugh so hard!!


.:jessyp:. said...

biasa la.